Project Overview

In 2019, Electrafence were awarded the Rugeley Power Station works. Due to COVID-19, the project was delayed until early 2023, where Electrafence undertook the design and installation of a new perimeter security system for the National Grid substation at Rugeley Power Station. This comprehensive project involved the complete replacement of the old, outdated site perimeter electric fencing with a new, up to date system. Additionally, whole new extensions to the east and to the south were commissioned in the design phase. As it remained an active working site, the site’s security needed to be maintained throughout the process.

  • Complete replacement of old, outdated perimeter electric fencing to meet new standards.
  • Extension to compound to accommodate new GIS substation.
  • Perimeter Security had to be continuously maintained on this active site.
  • Installation of new access points for new site entry and exit.
  • Commission of new extensions to the east and the south
Rugeley Power Station 2019 / 2023
Rugeley Power Station 2019 / 2023
  1. Limited Working Space: There was limited space alongside the fence line, which resulted in limited space for fence erection.
  2. Proximity to Assets: Several National Grid assets were located along and close to the existing fence line, further reducing available working space.
  3. Active Site Security: The site’s active status meant that sites existing electric security fence had to be always maintained during the installation process.
Approaches to Overcome Challenges
  1. Utilising Temporary Fencing (FenceSafe-E):
    • Solution: Electrafence’s FenceSafe-E temporary fencing system was used to create additional working space by pushing the security fence line 1 meter inside the National Grid existing perimeter; the FenceSafe-E fencing then became the new security fence line. This allowed Electrafence to work outside the National Grid's boundary, eliminating the need for National Grid permits and management oversight. This led to the work area being managed under CDM only, significantly reducing the time required for National Grid employees to oversee the works.
    • Outcome: This approach provided the necessary space for constructing and installing the new electric fence without compromising security or site operations. The secure perimeter was maintained while ensuring the safety and protection of nearby National Grid assets. Furthermore, the use of the new secure fence line, Electrafence were able to reduce the time National Grid employees had to oversee the works.
  2. Minimising Impact on National Grid Assets:
    • Solution: The small footprint and inherent flexibility of the FenceSafe-E system allowed Electrafence to safely work around National Grid assets. Additionally, Electrafence’s Cill-Lock precast cill beam system enabled easy construction of the cill beams, in limited space. By using our innovative cill-lock system we managed to mitigate the shortcomings of bulky and slow wet pour cill beams.
    • Outcome: The secure perimeter was maintained, ensuring the safety and protection of nearby National Grid assets. This approach led to a faster build with no snags or rework required. Additionally, the speed of the installation reduced the time the FenceSafe-E system needed to be onsite.
  3. Phased Rebuild for Continuous Security:
    • Solution: The project was executed as a phased rebuild, where the old fence was gradually replaced by the new fence. The FenceSafe-E system was moved along the fence line as construction progressed, integrating with both the old and new National Grid electrified fence lines to maintain security.
    • Outcome: This method ensured a seamless transition between old and new fencing, maintaining site security throughout the project.
  • Palisade fence: Supplied to National Grid standard by Paramount.
  • Premium INOVA Sliding Gate: Electrified base security for enhanced access control.
  • National Grid Standard Fencing: All fencing adopted to meet stringent National Grid standards.
  • Electric Fencing: Supplied by Gallaghers ensuring top-level security measures and compliance to National Grid standards and access control.
  • Cill-Lock System: Utilised for constructing cill beams efficiently in limited space.
Rugeley Power Station 2019 / 2023
Rugeley Power Station 2019 / 2023

The project received positive feedback, highlighting the efficiency and effectiveness of the implemented solutions: